Filed under Personal

Countdown: 50 Days Till Home

Countdown: 50 Days Till Home

Today is the 50 day milestone until I head home from Korea and the excitement is slowly building for all the things I have to look forward to come September. I’ve got my plane ticket booked and some bags packed. When I look back, it’s been quite a year full of personal growth and learning, … Continue reading

What’s Your Awesome?

What’s Your Awesome?

You may have heard of Neil Pasricha who is renowned for his website (1000 Awesome Things) and books (The Book of Awesome”). He recently brought his website to a close by posting his top (and last) awesome thing, being “Anything you want it to be”. It got me thinking and I made up a list of 10 things on … Continue reading

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

Living abroad comes with numerous obstacles that have taught me a variety of lessons over a short period of time, while also re-affirming my priorities and the things that are true to me. At any moment, life throws you a curveball (or several) when you least expect. It may seem like the luck of the draw when an unpredictable and uncontrollable event changes … Continue reading